
re·al·i·ty check

/riˈæl.ɪ.ti ˌtʃek/ noun an occasion on which one is reminded of the state of things in the real world.


 /ˈprädəjē/ noun a person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities.


/ˈskeptək(ə)l/ adjective not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.


/əˈjendə/ noun a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.


/ˈban(t)ər/ noun the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks. verb talk or exchange remarks in a good-humored teasing way.

Just an online thought

Online Thanks for internet, nowadays no need to leave your home. Everything you can do it online. But why do Internet is a thing tho? It’s only a library actually. Library with millions millions ways to access. The most important things is “almost” everything is free. Not free “free” tho sometimes you need to pay it with your soul. Social media apparently the one that you need to pay it with your soul.  I’m writing this in English is actually for my writing skills. Actually my writing skills is that bad. That no one can understand what I’m talking about. Too bad I’m practicing my English only in my head, doing conversation in my head. It’s not so effective tho. When gonna people understand me. Or that just me didn’t want people to understand my self. Did I understand about My self tho? I don’t know. Fuck, actually I can’t understand my self. Too bad for me, how other people can understand when I can’t understand my self. That’s kinda fucked up tho. Not gonna lie that kinda messed u...

Ngetik: Touch Typing

Gue akhir akhir ini belajar touch typing ya.. Apasih sebenernya touch typing? bukannya kalau mau ngetik kita musti touch dulu key nya yak? apa ngetik pake keyboard kaca? apasih sebenernya? Touch typing itu sebenernya metode mengetik tanpa harus melihat ke keyboard. Iya tanpa melihat ke keyboard? keren kan ya, ngetik tanpa harus merhatiin key yang harus dipencet hahaha Ah tapi kan ngetik sambil ngeliat keyboard bisa-bisa juga kan. Iya bisa sih, ngga ada salahnya juga kan. Gue juga ngga nyalahin, siapa coba yang nyalahin? Iya singkatnya sih denga mata kita fokus ke monitor leher kita lebih ngga capek ngeliatin ke keyboard, ke layar lagi, ke keyboard lagi, ke layar lagi jadi lebih efisien. Juga jangan lupa lebih keren wkwkwk.  Gue awalnya belajar touch typing agar ngetik gue bisa lebih cepet sih. pertama coba touch typing speed gue masih disekitaran 30wpm (words per minute). Gue mau bikin target bisa 100wpm lah. Kan enak tu di ingetnya 100 hahaha. tapi setelah latihan selama kurang le...

There's a Cat inside the Box

I don't know actually, maybe just maybe. Cat just love Box so much.

