Just an online thought
Thanks for internet, nowadays no need to leave your home. Everything you can do it online. But why do Internet is a thing tho? It’s only a library actually. Library with millions millions ways to access. The most important things is “almost” everything is free. Not free “free” tho sometimes you need to pay it with your soul. Social media apparently the one that you need to pay it with your soul.
I’m writing this in English is actually for my writing skills. Actually my writing skills is that bad. That no one can understand what I’m talking about. Too bad I’m practicing my English only in my head, doing conversation in my head. It’s not so effective tho. When gonna people understand me. Or that just me didn’t want people to understand my self. Did I understand about My self tho? I don’t know. Fuck, actually I can’t understand my self. Too bad for me, how other people can understand when I can’t understand my self. That’s kinda fucked up tho. Not gonna lie that kinda messed up.
I have been learning English for so many years. That now bite by bite I can understand it. But not like my grammar perfect tho. I think Almost half of my life I have been learning English. How about now? Of course I still learn tho. Look at my paragraph. That’s messed up right? That’s half life learn English but not practicing enough. Apparently you can’t learn Language without practicing. Conversation, Slang, etc. I have learn English from listening and understand actually from watching Youtube. First time I watch youtube with English subtitle then the more I watch the more I can understand. Even without subtitle. Because it’s so convenient watching video that you not actually watch. You can just close your eyes and hear what they talking about. And you can understand it. No need to read the subtitle.
The one that I wan to learn is Japanese. I want to watch anime without subtitle apparently. But it’s so different, I don’t know maybe I didn’t do the right thing to learn Japanese.
Thing that convenient that I learn lately is Touch typing. It’s so convenient actually. U didn’t need to look at your keyboard that often to type. Even without looking at the keyboard. This is one thing that I practice. Still didn’t perfect tho. Not slow as fuck tho. An average. Not to hard apparently to learn touch typing All you need to do is practice, and more practice. The more practice you do the more fast you can type. Actually tho the first you can improve your typing is your accuracy. Yep your accuracy is the key that you can type fast. Pressing the backspace actually is the most consuming time in a typing. The least you press the backspace the more you fast. If your accuracy is great mostly your speed of typing surely go faster.
Did I need to upload this to blogspot tho? It’s so messed up that maybe I can’t understand later that I read this article. But my blogspot kinda trash tho I think I can post this. Lmao.
LibreOffice actually not that bad I can still typing in this app. May I switch to Linux and not come back to Windows tho? Maybe but Windows X is around the corner tho. They can run Android app kinda “native” that’s interesting actually that I can consider to move to Windows again despite their ram consumption is hella weird. Maybe need to upgrade to 16GB ram first before moving back to windows again.
Actually I didn’t have internet now that I do practicing type here. Lately I have been practicing type at TypeRacer that was so fun. I can just type all day long. Not all day long like “All day long” tho. Maybe half an hour. Typing so many literature. So many book, film, song lyric, etc. That so fun tho actually. When I didn’t have an internet I spend my time here writing non sense. Typing something that anybody didn’t want to read. Even the one want to read can’t understand what I’m talking about, because my grammar is that bad.
Chelsea yes my lovely football club is the current defending Champions League that was so cool even I can’t express my self now lmao. It has been 2 months I think that so cool. So many young legend born.
I’m so sleepy maybe it’s time to sleep right now. It’s past midnight tho 2 minutes past midnight. Good night. Hopefully tomorrow my internet get fixed. It has been entirely 4 days that my internet is broken.
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